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Devesh Dabas Productions

Devesh Dabas Productions

Production house

locationDelhi NCR
0 Active projects 351 Profiles viewed

Work shared by Devesh Dabas Productions



Devesh Dabas production is a concept born out of labours of work. The founder, a Delhi graduate was in the pursuit of locating a certain Time Warner production company in an uptown market, but Google had other plans for him, by giving him a blank slate to create his own production house in Kanjhawala village and get the place listed on the map. But to head right, one has to get his hands dirty!!! Thus he interned with a prominent production company in Mumbai, Swen Entertainment, managed various big scale projects in Delhi & Mumbai, so as to carve a niche for himself in areas of direction, production, print, event management, and corporate projects; thereby using this expertise for creating his own inimitable production house. What makes this power packed team unique is the way they've gone about their journey, using famous high end locations and sets to the obscure, miniature back lanes which lack recognition; But their creativity in the go, with these places, has yielded outputs that has moved the audiences and left an indelible impact.

Devesh Dabas Productions is a production house based in Delhi NCR. Devesh Dabas Productions usually hires artists for projects.

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