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33 Rainbows Studio

33 Rainbows Studio

Post Production Studio

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33Rainbows is a production house with inhouse studio led by a team of experienced creative & innovative minds. Our expertise, commitment, creativity and photography skills have put us on top of the business in a short span of time. “STUDIO” “33 RAINBOWS” is DESIGNED TO CATER “E -COMMERCE”, “PHOTO AND VIDEO SHOOT”. It’s a life style 6000 sq. ft. Studio that boasts of state-of-the-art facility and having capacity to shoot with 8-10 photographers working simultaneously with various backdrops/screens at a time providing large production of photo shoot for products for online sale. We understand the essence of time, we have a complete team of post-production, image editor’s, cataloguers to facilitate and provide various services to our clients. Our vision is to cater a 360-degree solution for all our clients to be able to register, list and sell digitally on all platforms while you concentrate on your core business, we will take care of everything needed to seamlessly sell your products on different online marketplaces and optimize your brand's online presence. We look forward to a successful relationship hereon.

33 Rainbows Studio is a post production studio based in Mumbai. 33 Rainbows Studio usually hires actors, filmmakers, models, voice-over artists, graphics & motion artists, photographers, filmmakers, stylists, models and writers for ad-films, branded content, influencers, copywriting, videos, graphic designing, content writing and photoshoot.
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