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Crazy shoots production Media/Advertising Agency 1637 Profile Views
View Other ProjectsTop models, actors and dancers required by a renowned production house - Crazy Shoots Production.
Pay as per profile.
Crazy Shoots Production house is legally registered Production house.
To know more, check out -
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/crazyshootsproduction/?igshid=1gvnxhrp207oh
Website : crazyshoots.com/
Youtube Channel : Youtube.com/crazyshootsproduction
Crazy Shoots Production Looking For Actors & Models For Video Album & Photoshoot
Female, 16-40 Yrs
Model, Actor, Dancer
Top models, actors and dancers required by a renowned production house - Crazy Shoots Production.
Pay as per profile.
Crazy Shoots Production house is legally registered Production house.
To know more, check out -
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/crazyshootsproduction/?igshid=1gvnxhrp207oh
Website : crazyshoots.com/
Youtube Channel : Youtube.com/crazyshootsproduction
Role type:
Hindi, English, Marathi, Punjabi
Acting, Dancing, Modeling
Shoot Location
Based In Location
Number of vacancies
₹3,000 to ₹8,000
Pay basis
Per day
I've been associated with Talentrack for the past year, during which I’ve regularly auditioned for web series, movies & TV serials as well. I am now working as an entertainer for Hamleys, all thanks to the Talentrack team!
Divesh ActorSimilar projects
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