MOVIES: Character "Prakash Sahani" in movie "Manjunath" with Mr. Yashpal Sharma, Ms. Seema Biswas, Dir. Mr. Sandeep Verma (Released 7 may 2014 by viacom18) Character "Rajeev", movie "Zeroline" Dir. Mr. Gagan Puri, with Mr. Manjyot Singh and Mr. Bijender Kala (Post Production) COMMERCIALS: Voiced the lead character in 'Red Bull' commercial Worked in the promo of "Humse hai life" for channel V THEATRE Played Vivi, in the English play “Clowns @ Play” at ‘Prithvi theatre’, Dir. Mr. Joy Fernandes Played “Jafar” a spy in the mughal court in Danish Iqbal’s Urdu political drama “Dara Shikoh”, Dir. Mr. M. S. Sathyu, in Delhi and Bangalore Played title role in Christopher Marlowe’s tragedy “Dr. Faustus” Dir. Mrs. Geeta Budhhiraja, in Delhi TRAINING 6 months acting course with Mr. Jeff Goldberg at Jeff Goldberg Studio (Former faculty, Lee Strasberg Acting school, New York) 4 Months diploma course in acting for camera from “Kreating Characters” Intensive physical theatre(clowning) training with eminent trainers Mr. Ashwath Bhatt, Mr. Claudio Clavija and Mr. Joy Fernande
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