Acting | Modeling | Singing | Photography Jobs


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Language : Hindi, English

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Kuttey (Feature Film) - Vishal Bhardwaj Films
Role Assistant Director
Start Date 01-09-2021  
3rd Assistant Director - Kuttey, Vishal Bhardwaj Films & Luv Films (Directed by Aasmaan Bhardwaj)

1. Worked closely with the 2nd Assistant Director (Base) on the look and costume of the cast.
2. Was responsible for communicating with primary, secondary and tertiary cast for sharing shoot schedules, scripts etc
3. Handled the responsibility for creating the daily call sheet for the shoot.
4. Worked closely with the 2nd Assistant Director (Set) on background action.
5. Handled background actors and cast doubles on base and set.
6. Actively worked on set and base as per the requirement.
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