Acting | Modeling | Singing | Photography Jobs

Manjiri Kango


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About me

Hi, I am Manjiri. I am a professional female voiceover artist and very passionate about my work, be it narration, audio books, animated movies or jingles. I am always interested in working on projects related to any new topic. I am easily able to work according to client's requirements and deadlines for the assignment.

Course Name Bachelor of engineering Institute Name ADIT
Start Date 01-07-2007 End Date 01-06-2011
Course Name Institute Name
Start Date End Date
Language : Hindi, English, Marathi, Gujarati
Other Informations
Voice for App
Role Voice for machine learning
Start Date 20-03-2020 End Date 26-03-2020
An app required to have voice over in Hindi for machine learning and Artificial intelligence.
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