Acting | Modeling | Singing | Photography Jobs

Sahil Chatuvedi


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About me

I am working from last two year at Indore's most famous pubs like 10 downing street n etc. I used to sing Bollywood, English, Punjabi , Rock mostly genre's of music .

Language : English, Hindi, Punjabi
Genre : Alternative, Classic Rock, Country, Hardcore, Heavy Metal, Hip Hop, Metal, Pop, Progressive Rock, Reggae, Soul, Sufi, Rock, Indian Classical
Work Preference
Available In : Anywhere In India
Other Informations
Karaoke jockey at 10 downing street Indore, Bhopal..
Role Singer, Karaoke host
Start Date 29-01-2014  
Karaoke jockey at Indore mostly places,, unplugged evenings, have my own band,
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