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Ramdas Tekale


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About me

I am stand-up Comedian from Pune . I do stand-up comedy in Marathi and hindi

Language : Hindi, English, Marathi
Other Informations
Total Experience 6 Years 
Meta engitech (Family day)
Role Stand-up comedian
Start Date 07-04-2024 End Date 08-04-2024
Done 2 shows in a day. 1st show in Marathi and 2nd show in Hindi
Prism city (channel partner meet)
Role Stand-up comedian
Start Date 15-01-2024 End Date 16-01-2024
Performed in Hindi
BELMAC society
Role Stand-up comedian
Start Date 18-03-2023 End Date 19-03-2023
Performed Hindi stand-up comedy for the audience
stand-up comedy show for phoenix market city pune
Role Stand-up comedian
Start Date 28-06-2022 End Date 29-06-2022
I have performed marathi stand-up comedy here
Show for Hp lubricants
Role Stan-up Comedian
Start Date 23-07-2024 End Date 23-07-2024
Stand-up comedy show for Hp lubricants Pune branch .
Performing Language: Marathi & Hindi
Project Name
Start Date End Date
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