Acting | Modeling | Singing | Photography Jobs


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About me

My practice as an actor started right from the first day of college in two ways: One where I had to pretend to be a model student in front of the faculty and second where I joined the Theatre club of our college, Rangmanch. It was in that club I understood that acting is beyond enacting a few scenes. It takes a lot of thinking to write a scene, feel it and convey it to the audience in the right way. Out of all the emotions we show, I feel that comedy is hard to perform but luckily its my forte. I have given 9 Streetplay performances in prestigious institutions like BITS Hyd, IIT Hyd, IIT Kharagpur and at external events like Hyderabad literary fest and at Country club. Our team had won the first price in IIT Hyd and got qualified for the Spring fest in IIT Kgp. The varied platforms where I had funny roles, played the villain and cried my heart out emotionally have polished my skills and made me more confident while performing. Although I got caught by my faculty for being the opposite of a model student, they appreciate my acting professionally. I aspire to learn and grow my skills with every chance I can get.

Physical Stats

Height : 5 Feet 10 Inches
Weight : 86 Kg
Hair Type : Wavy


Language : Hindi, English, Telugu

Work Preference

Available In : Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Pune
Availability : Full Time

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