Hi, =
Im tanmay khare from bhopal
workung as a professional vocalist/singer
freelancing as a singer, performed many places like udaipur, indore, bhopal, jabalpur etc,
i do shows almost everyday...
feel free contact for musical events=
Got an opportunity to do "PLAYBACK" for a upcoming feature film, "SUN ZARA" !!!
Sung the title song and a few others also!!
"Saajna Unplugged"
vocalist and actor
Start Date
End Date
its a cover song sung by me... it was shooted in different places of bhopal... it was a fun and lovable project for me.... cover song project it was..... "RUBBERBAND PROJECT" HELPED ME TO RELEASE BEAUTIFUL COVER SONG.... you can checkout on YouTube...here is d link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_DI_9YD5iU
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