Casting female actors for feature film.
Age range - 30 to 50 years
Location - Mathura
Based in location - Delhi, Mumbai
Budget - Based on profile
Skills - Must have good acting skills.
Artists should be smart, talented, good looking and upmarket.
Interested candidate may apply soon to get a call from us.
Female Actors Afor Feature Film
Female, 30-50 Yrs
Casting female actors for feature film.
Age range - 30 to 50 years
Location - Mathura
Based in location - Delhi, Mumbai
Budget - Based on profile
Skills - Must have good acting skills.
Artists should be smart, talented, good looking and upmarket.
Interested candidate may apply soon to get a call from us.
Role type:
Shoot Location
I finally got my first project with Nimrat Motion Pictures for a music video on Talentrack. I'm so thankful & blessed. Thank your Talentrack!
Simran Actor/Model/InfluencerSimilar projects
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