Looking for female actors for album song
Age Range - 18 to 35 years
Location - Jaipur
Budget - Based on profile
Skills - Artists should have good acting skills.
Artists should be good looking, talented, smart and upmarket.
Interested candidate may apply to get a call from us.
Female Actors
Female, 18-35 Yrs
Looking for female actors for album song
Age Range - 18 to 35 years
Location - Jaipur
Budget - Based on profile
Skills - Artists should have good acting skills.
Artists should be good looking, talented, smart and upmarket.
Interested candidate may apply to get a call from us.
Role type:
Shoot Location
It's been a few days that I've registered with Talentrack, and I have recieved a lot of projects on the platform. Recently I auditioned for a Tamil movie via Talentrack, and got selected for the project.
Nadiya Actor/ModelSimilar projects
having trouble? mail us at contactus@talentrack.in, we will get back to you.