This freelancer usually hires actors and models for web-series, films, TV serials, short-films and a...
This film production house usually hires actors, stylists, filmmakers, models, dancers, anchors, wri...
This casting coordinator usually hires actors, models, singers and dancers for web-series, print sho...
This digital entertainment company usually hires models, actors and stylists for ad-films, talent hu...
This film production house usually hires models, actors, singers, stand-up comedians and dancers for...
This casting/modelling agency usually hires actors, models, dancers, anchors, writers, musicians, si...
This others usually hires actors, anchors, dancers, models, stylists, singers and musicians for musi...
This fashion designer usually hires actors, models and singers for web-series, films, TV serials and...
This magazine / newspaper usually hires models for projects.
This recruiter usually hires models for projects.
This publication house usually hires anchors and models for user generated content, influencers, vid...
This event management company usually hires models for coorporate event.
This film production house usually hires singers, actors, models, dancers, musicians and writers for...
This film production house usually hires dancers, musicians, singers and models for reality shows, t...
This media agency usually hires models and photographers for ad-films, branded content and videos.
This casting/modelling agency usually hires actors and models for web-series, short-films and ad-fil...
This ad-film maker usually hires actors, models and filmmakers for web-series, TV serials, short-fil...
This casting/modelling agency usually hires actors, anchors, models, filmmakers, stylists and dancer...
This film producer usually hires models for web-series and short-films.
This fashion designer usually hires models for designing.